
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Positive and Negative Vibrations

We often use the word ‘vibe’ to describe a mood or a feeling that we pick up from someone or something. Sometimes you sense a good vibe whenever you are around certain people. And we are likely to avoid people, places or things that bring bad vibes in us. In other words, the word vibe is equated to a mood or a feeling.

The etymology of the word vibe is from the longer word ‘vibrations’. Vibration is classified into two kinds. There is the positive (+) and negative (+) vibrations. Every emotion or feeling causes you to give off, emit or offer a vibration, whether positive or negative. This explains why we like or hate a person even though we don’t really know that person. We like them because that person emits positive aura or vibrations, and we dislike a person because negative vibrations emanates from him or her. 

We use tons of word to describe these mood or feelings. If you will go through the entire dictionary you can write down as many words that express a mood or feeling. Out of these words, we can sort them out into two categories. We have words describing a feeling that generates positive vibrations and words describing a feeling that breeds negative vibrations.

It is a fact that we are constantly sending vibrations; it is either positive or negative. Every single moment you experience a certain mood or feeling, you are sending out positive or negative vibrations.

So what is its connection with the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction responds to the vibrations you are releasing. It matches your vibration by providing you more of the same. So if you are constantly giving positive vibrations then expect that you will receive more positive vibes. In the same way, if you keep on emitting negative vibrations, then you will keep on receiving the same vibes.

For example you woke up on a Monday morning, feeling a little bit grouchy and hot-tempered. At that instant you are sending negative vibrations. You even uttered, “It’s Monday again, I hate Mondays.” It’s so early in the morning and you are full of negative energy. So while you are releasing negative vibrations, the Law of Attraction is responding and matching the vibrations you are sending, with a plus. You are given more of the same.

So what happens to you, you get out of the bed, bumped your big toe, burnt your sausages, you arrived late at work because of an awful traffic, and you forgot your keys to the office. What a day!

Or, let’s imagine the alternate story. You woke up on a Monday morning, smiling and thanking the Lord for another wonderful day. You get out bed, had a nice breakfast, you’re early at the office, and had a superb day at work. 

In both of our examples,  the Law of Attraction is at work, relating and organizing all that needs to happen to bring more of the same, whether positive or negative.

It is of the essence then to learn to identify the vibration we are sending into the universe, thus enabling us to make a conscious preference whether we want to keep on sending the said vibration or change it for the better. It will also enable us to develop a Deliberate Attraction and eliminate the Non-Deliberate Attraction in us.

Law of Attraction

Law of attraction? You’re already experiencing the law and the funniest thing about it is that you’re not aware of it. Let’s time travel and glance at our experiences and then try to identify when and where we have experienced the law of attraction. 

Have you ever wondered that sometimes what you need just falls into place or someone calls you or somebody approaches you? Or you see or bumped into someone you’ve been thinking of? These experiences are evidence that the Law of Attractions is in your life.

Have you read or heard countless stories about people who find themselves in bad relationships? Many of their stories are the same one way or another; they keep on finding partners of the same kind--persons who ditch them all the time. The Law of Attraction is at work in their lives too.

Law of Attraction can be defined in this way-- we attract to our life whatever we give attention and energy to, whether positive or negative.

The law of attraction responds to whatever vibrations you are sending by giving you more of it, whether it’s positive of negative. It simply responds to your vibration. 

Law of Harvest

Remember this: there is no shortage of blessings. It is everywhere. The air you breathe, the water you drink, the sweet smell of flowers, the eye-popping colors of the sky, and everything that surrounds us. The mere fact that you’re still alive today is a big miracle; the consciousness that you are reading right now. You may not know it, but actually you are swimming in an ocean of blessings.

And if you feel that you lack or do not receive any blessings at all, then it only means that you are not ready to receive those blessings. As you can see, there is no shortage of blessings; what is in short supply is in you-- the readiness to receive the blessings around you.

If that is the case, what is the key to increase the readiness in me? The answer is to get ready. Ready yourself by planting seeds. Your first reaction might be, “what? Ha?” But let me explain this to you in a bit.

I have put in plain words in my last article that the universal law is the law of the harvest. This law states that: What you plant, you harvest. What you don’t plant, you don’t harvest. The more you plant, the more you harvest. The less you plant, the less you harvest -- 2 Corinthians 9:6. Simply put, if you plant apples, you will harvest apples. If you plant strawberries, you will harvest strawberries. If you plant kindness, you will harvest kindness. If you plant deception and greed, you will harvest deception and greed.

Try to look ahead into the future. What do you want to harvest? Let’s say tomorrow; or a month from now; or a year from now; or 10 years from now. You have to make a decision NOW on what you want to harvest in the future. Having that in mind, plant the seeds today. Don’t postpone it the next day, but plant it today. For example, you want to be loved tomorrow. Then all you have to do is plant the seeds of love today. Do the extra kindness to other people. Show your love to your family.

If you want more joy then plant happiness into other people’s lives. Let’s face it; the happiest people in this world are those who have made others happy in one way or another.

Now, what about money? Do I have to plant money literally to harvest money in the future? In case of money, you have to plant value. Brother Bo tells us that money is just a symbol of value. So to increase your income, you have to increase your value and share that value with others. When we say increase your value, it means putting the extra ingredient that separates you from other people. Your product or service has that extra touch that is lacking from others. People will keep on coming back to you because you have elevated your product or service on top of others. The wealthiest persons in town are those who can give the most value to the most number of people.

We have seen in the news or we know someone who knows someone who won the lotto, right? Instant millionaires. But after a few years, that person is again in the news. No, he or she is not that lucky, he or she is not a winner this time. The news is about a person who after winning the lotto a few years back is now broke. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that person is officially broke, after a non-stop spending of millions. What happened? Well, the lotto winner did not put value on what he/she has. And remember, money symbolizes value. A person who does not put value to that symbol won’t make it last.

Have you ever been to a cave? If not yet then try to find one and do this experiment. At the top of your voice shout, I LOVE YOU. Naturally, you will hear an echo of you voice, the same tone, intonation and speed. Nature tells us what to expect from it. Anything that you give to the universe, you will receive the same exact thing a hundredfold. Imagine yelling I HATE YOU at the cave, what could be the next scenario? So again, what you give to the universe, it will be given back to you, a hundredfold.

My challenge to you, look into the future. Discern what you want to receive in the future. Keep in mind the concept of ‘the echo of life’. You will receive what you are giving the universe. The next step, plant the seeds. I want you to take notice. S-E-E-D-S! It is with s, and not seed alone. Meaning when you plant, it is not a one-time-big-time event. You should be planting the seeds and there should not be any let up. It should be a continuous process of mindfully planting the seeds of whatever you want to receive in the future.

Universal Law

Have you ever wondered why other people are successful while others are not? Others are enjoying their life while others are cursing every breathing second of theirs’? Why others have huge bank accounts and others have to make loans just to get by? Why others are happy with their families while others just give a cold shoulder to their loved ones?

Who holds the answer to this question: What determines success and failure? Do you have any idea?

Authors, experts and gurus have argued that our universe is governed by a certain universal law. Words and letters have been written and spoken about the effects of this law on our everyday life. If that is the case, then success and failure also hinges on the same law, aren’t they? It is therefore safe to assume that if we follow this law we will succeed and if we ignore it we are doomed to fail.

What is law then?

Many have believed that LUCK governs our everyday life. You’re successful because you’re so lucky. You fail because you have a birth mark in your buttocks, which makes you unlucky.  This means that we could foretell if we are lucky or not from the time we were born. And you cannot change that. You were already marked at your birthday. LUCKY babies are on the right side and UNLUCKY babies are on the left.

To counter the fate, others wear amulets, charms and many other accessories to attract LUCK. Others follow their horoscope conscientiously. Countless individuals were discouraged from pursuing further because they met a black cat on their way.

But is this really the governing law of the universe?

Well, Bro. Bo Sanchez believes otherwise. He said that luck depends on chance while blessing is 100% sure. He further explained that blessings will appear in front of you if your soul is ready to receive it. We may not know or acknowledge it that we are actually engulfed by blessings. In that sense, there is no shortage of blessings. It is all around us. If you feel that your life is short of blessings, it only means that your soul is not yet ready to receive the abundant blessings around you. There is no shortage of blessings; it is your readiness that is in short supply. So if you want to receive the abundant blessings, then you must get yourself ready all the time.

How? Plant the seeds.

Well actually, this is the universal law that governs everything-- The Law of the Harvest. It states that, “What you plant, you harvest. What you don’t plant, you don’t harvest. The more you plant, the more you harvest. The less you plant, the less you harvest.” And it is written in the Holy Bible, 2 Corinthians 9:6 which states: Remember his saying, “A few seeds make a small harvest, but a lot of seeds make a big harvest.” 

Things you Need to be Successful

One of the things I’ve learn at the same time being a member of Truly Rich Club, that there are two things you need to be successful. The two things you should possess are giftedness and godliness. You’re a person endowed with giftedness if you can turn thoughts into things.  Godliness is the ability to utilize that giftedness to serve other people and the Lord. You can still attain success even if you just focus on giftedness. But the success you have attained will be short-lived and it may be in just one or two aspects of your life. If your goal is a complete success that transcends your whole life, you need to focus on the two: Giftedness and Godliness.

There are many living examples in the world who have perfected the skill of turning thoughts into things. These are the people that have turned their dreams into reality. What they thought became reality.

My first example would be Rayan Abogado Oliva. He is a nursing student who passed the board exams. But mind you, not just passed the board, he passed the board being number one last July 2010. In his story, he visualized intently that he is going to pass the board exams being the number one of their batch. He posted the number 1 sign in his room which greeted him every morning every time he wakes up. And it came true, Rayan was able to turn his thoughts into reality.

One morning, Steve Jobs, he is not popular back then, visualized of a little device that can contain thousand songs and it is so tiny that it fits in your pocket. He kept on thinking about this tiny device for many years. And the good news happen, Apple produced the iPod just like how Steve Jobs had imagined. It is tiny and it fits your pocket. From then on, iPod has taken the music scene by storm.

Another example is Warren Buffet. One day he thought of buying businesses when their value hits its low price. It just started with a thought and he even became the richest man on the planet.

But as what I have said earlier, giftedness does not guarantee a life-long success. It will be for a very short time only. However, if giftedness is coupled with Godliness or the willingness to serve others and the Lord,successwill surely transcend your life.